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Wyoming, United States
Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm a stay-at-home mom who is in love with the idea of being able to stay with my little girl all day! My husband Josh and I live in Wyoming, and Life Is Good!!! This is a place where I will post about being a wife and mommy, and maybe some other randomness, if it's interesting enough!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Express Yourself!

OK, so what's the point of all these (yes, I'm biased!) adorable pictures of my baby girl Paili? It's simple - look at her face! No matter what she's feeling, it shows on her chubby-cheeked little face in all it's glory. Kids aren't limited by the reservations about expressing themselves like adults are. They haven't learned to rein in emotion or edit their reactions. Simply put - they haven't learned to care! They are truly "real". Only when they receive reactions from other people do they realize that, sometimes, being reserved in their own reactions is prudent and wise. Well, I say - Express Yourself! I'm learning to take a cue from Paili and let go a little! After all, if your expressions and reactions are always reined in, no one truly knows how you feel. You can't fully express excitement if you're afraid of looking silly. You can't fully express sadness and expect support from anyone if no one knows. You can't fully express anything if you're reserved about it! Now, don't get me wrong - next time you're angry, please don't start throwing things and screaming like a banshee! Some restraint is definitely wise, but pay attention to your reactions. Notice what your face does, what your body does, and what you express verbally about the situation or feeling. You will be so surprised when you realize what you've been holding in - so express it! Life is better on this side... :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annette, I'm a proud CEO Mom too and now one of your most recent blog followers! Our team is amazing and it's so great to be a part of such a supportive group. Paili is adorable and a very expressive little person :-) Hope you'll visit my blog too sometime!
